Sept.7- Sept. 11 2015
Weekly News:
Theme: Assertive
This week we moved onto the letter A for being Assertive. A big part of 2nd and 3rd grade is learning about ourselves and then figuring out what we need to be successful and ready to learn. To be assertive, requires us to be honest with ourselves and each other. While 2nd graders explored this theme through read alouds and picture books, third graders built on their experience through examples and real authentic opportunities to practice asserting themselves. Another big part of this element of the C.A.R.E.S. philosophy is speaking up when you see things that are not right or others be treated disrespectfully. We all need to support and take care of each other.
Where in the World? We launched a big literacy project this week. Each student is signed up to share about a favorite place they know well. They are asked to plan and prepare a share that answers 5 guiding questions about this special place...
WHERE is your place on earth?
WHO else goes to this place?
WHEN do you go to this place?
WHAT do you do at this place?
WHY is this place important, or WHY do you go there?
Students are encouraged to bring up to 5 items to share that go along with that special place. Photos, rocks, pic collages, souvenirs, special toy from that place, clothing item, sample, a book, postcard, journal, a map, drawing, etc.
This daily share becomes a writing topic for the whole class.We are working on sentence formation, details and elaboration, and editing. We will complete our “Where in the World” literacy project over the next several weeks and learn a little bit more about each person in our class.
Brain Science: Getting Focused
We started learning some strategies for calming our amygdala. Mrs. Turcotte shared her Hoberman sphere as a tool to help the class practice “balloon breathing.” Many of us use and practice taking deep breaths when we are feeling stressed, maybe frustrated, or anxious. Taking a breath is a good way to PAUSE before we react in any situation. We make better choices when we can use and access our Prefrontal Cortex (PFC “wise leaders”) to make decisions. Mindful breathing is a good strategy to "get there."
Third Grade Writer’s Notebooks: “Happy New Year!” We are celebrating a new year living our “Writerly Life.” Third graders chose and decorated their Writing Notebooks for the year. This will be an important place for them to compose true stories and important writing ideas. Together as a group, we came up with Third Grade Writing Notebook Do’s and Don’ts. We set some goals and now we are off…
Read to Self: The goal this time of the year is to get everyone reading during the day. For now, we are doing this separately at each grade level. There are different needs. Third graders are building stamina, practicing selecting text, and their own book nooks. Meanwhile, 2nd graders are practicing using their new classroom library, selecting text with purpose, experimenting with different book nooks, and working on building some structure into quiet reading. I am very encouraged for the enthusiasm for reading with my new second graders. The idea of setting a reading goal for the day has caught on like wildfire. One student did it and everyone saw how proud he was that day. Now everyone is doing it! Success is like popcorn here in the afternoons!
Notes and Reminders
Now I have a class email list. Thank you to everyone who filled out my survey. I will send home email class news with links to our blog. I have posted photos on the blog. Remember...the fun” spicy” version of class news and events will be here. I will be attentive to the few parent requests to keep their child’s photos out of or off of media sources (ie. blog). I have checked these forms in the office.
3rd Grade planner homework is a daily check in. Parents don’t forget to initial in 2 places.
2nd graders- Homework due Friday.
All beginning of the year office forms need to be returned. A few are still lurking out there.
The Community Potluck and Open House is next week! Come share the bounty and see the classroom that has transformed these first weeks of school!
Upcoming Events
September 17th Community potluck and open house 6- 7:30pm
Coming Up…. Where in the World Projects, a garden visit, cooking project #1
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